Strathearn Seed Swap


Unfortunately due to theft of the seed donations, this initiative has been cancelled. However we do plan to have another event in a better format, hopefully with seedlings and seeds, this upcoming fall. More details will be available closer to the date, since we will need to plan around the physical distancing situation at that time.

Our sincere apologies to those who donated seeds and are not able to receive any in return. We did not anticipate this outcome.

Thinking of gardening this year? Consider finding and sharing seeds through the Strathearn Seed Swap.

How it works:

Drop Off Seeds: By May 10, 2020, INSIDE the Free Library Bin at 91 Street and the south side of 95 Avenue (ie by Red Ox Inn/CAVA gallery).

Pick Up Seeds: Between May 11-15, 2020 from the same location.

1. Drop of package of 10-20 seeds at the Free Library box outside CAVA (put inside the box) by May 10, 2020.
2. All items need to be labelled with the type of plant (e.g., Tomato, Cherry).
3. Additional information can be provided (e.g., plant in May after frost, 2cm depth, sunny location).
4. All seeds should have been fully dried and put inside a taped shut bag, paper envelope or origami packet. For longer storage at home, place in paper bag out of direct light.
5. Pick up seeds between May 11-15. Take the number of packages of seeds you originally donated. This is an honors system folks!
6. No noxious or invasive plants accepted. See list and fact sheets here:
7. Please only bring recent seeds for exchange (see expiry date on seed package). Most vegetable and fruit seeds have the highest germinations between 1-2 years of harvesting.
8. Any seed packages remaining after May 15 will be collected by the Strathearn Committee and either donated or used to plant around the community hall or garden.

For more information, please contact

Capital City Cleanup

Strathearn Community members interested in helping with the Capital City clean up can e-mail to request a kit.

For a little friendly competition this year, let’s challenge our neighbouring communities to see how successful our cleanups are! If you receive a kit, please take a picture of your “haul” and we will feature you on our Facebook page and/or website. The biggest haul will win a free community league membership for 2020/21 and will get a mention in the next issue of Southeast Voice.

Strathearn Art Walk Update


Sad news from the Strathearn Art Walk team:

Hey Everyone, 
It is with a heavy heart that we must announce the cancellation of the Strathearn Art Walk 2020 due to COVID-19.  
Simply put – due to current Alberta Health Services recommendations and regulations, and the evolving situation regarding the current health crisis, it is neither safe nor prudent for us to move forward with planning this year’s Strathearn Art Walk.  
The health and safety of our artists, patrons, vendors, sponsors, partners, and volunteers will always be our #1 priority. Our thanks go out to you all for your continued commitment to not only us, but also to the Edmonton arts community. We would not exist without you. 
We started the year with the belief that supporting arts and creativity would be more important than ever in 2020. While we, like so many others, would have never guessed we would be in the position our world is in now, we will remain committed to finding ways to support artists and the arts community this year. 
Now is the time to be smart, look out for one another, keep washing those hands, and remember that as a city and a community, we will all get through this together. We encourage everyone to continue to listen to health officials, be safe, and be excited for when we will all be together, in person, again. 

We are interested in hearing from you about how we can best support you in this time.  Let us know if you have any ideas about this.
We send all of you our love and support, and can’t wait to see you all in September 2021. 

– Team Art Walk



Seeking Strathearn wordsmiths younger than 19 years old: is there a book, film, album, artist etc. that you think is not getting enough attention? Strathearn A.V. Club wants to hear from you! We are soliciting and publishing nonfiction essays about any subject that tickles your fancy. Submissions (max. 500 words) must include your name and age, and can be made to

Click here to read the wonderful submissions that have rolled in so far!

Sadly, Juniper is Closing!

To all of our community who has not received this letter yet:

Juniper Cafe & Bristo is closing their doors. We, as the Strathearn Community League, would like to honor Juniper by posting this news as a way to publicly thank the hard and amazing work that this Cafe-Restaurant has done in our neighborhood:

  • They have provided over the years an amazing and high quality service through their goods and services,

  • And they had served well our community and beyond as a key builder fostering real connections, and bringing our community together.

Thank you so much Juniper Cafe & Bistro.

With expectation, we hope for better days and for better news announcing their re-opening. We would like to invite our community to join us in honoring them by posting your personal thank you notes on our Facebook page (find the post here)

Below is Juniper’s letter to the Community sent on March 21, 2020:

Good day our Juniper friends and family,

We hope this email finds all of you surviving and thriving through this unprecedented time.

We have made the very difficult decision to close our doors effective immediately - until further notice.

After such a difficult last year with the road closure, coupled with this global pandemic, we need to spend some time re-imagining what the out come of Juniper Bistro will be.  We feel quite conflicted as to what the future holds for us, as many of you have shared as well, and also weirdly excited about what can come of this.  

We absolutely know how supported we are by this amazing community.  Thank you!

So until we meet again sweet friends, Reimagine your next chapter, Love your Beloveds even deeper, get out and enjoy Spring (albeit at a safe distance) And mostly, please know how deeply grateful we are for each one of you!

Kindest Regards and Biggest virtual Hugs,

Enid and Kenny

Strathearn Community League's COVID-19 Plan

The Strathearn Community League takes the COVID-19 global pandemic very seriously, and the board wants to reassure our guests, renters, volunteers and contractors with the extra precautions we’ve put in place.

  • We’ve increased our regular cleaning to include sanitizing of all door handles, keypads, faucets and other touch surfaces

  • We’ve increased restocking and checking of hand soap and paper towel

  • Disinfectant is available for all of our renters, and we’re allowing renters extra time to complete additional cleaning and sanitizing steps

  • We will work with public health officials and follow guidance and instructions from all levels of government to assist in containing the virus.

The best sources of information for locally relevant information are below:

Government of Alberta - Information About Coronavirus for Albertans

Govenment of Canada - Coronavirus Information and Resources

Outdoor Soccer Registration Now Open!

Spring is just around the corner and minor soccer registration is in full swing.

Part one of the registration process is completed online, and part two is in person - click here or here to see all the details, and note that the main times designated for Strathearners to do the second part of registration in person will be either Wednesday, March 4th (5-8pm) or Saturday, March 7th (10am-1pm) at the Bonnie Doon Mall (near the old Tony Roma’s entrance).

Please contact our Strathearn soccer director at with any questions.

Public Info Sessions - Strathearn Heights Redevelopment

Please click here to see a Notice of Rezoning and Invitation to Public Information sessions hosted by GEC Architecture at the Strathearn Heights Information Centre - Strathearn Centre, 9540 87 Street.

Please drop in on Wednesday, Feb. 19, 5-8pm or Saturday, Feb. 22, 1-4pm to learn more about the proposed application, the process and to provide your feedback.

Upcoming Production: Les Belles Soeurs

A riveting new play presented by L’UniThéâtre takes the stage at La Cite francophone, Feb 20-22.

Focused on uniting various communities through their programming, this professional francophone theatre company offers English surtitles for every performance.

Please click here to see the poster for more detail, and buy your tickets at:

Disco Fever Hits Strathearn this Family Day, Monday Feb 17th!

FAMILY DAY DISCO SKATE presented by Alair Homes and Strathearn Community League

Monday, February 17, 2020 from 1 - 4 pm at the Strathearn Community Hall

Family style BBQ (veg option available) plus crafts for kids, face painting, marshmallow roast, music & more!

Dress for the weather, or the theme! Costumes are optional.

Please consider bringing a donation of a new or gently used warmth item for OPERATION FRIENDSHIP SENIORS SOCIETY.