To all of our community who has not received this letter yet:
Juniper Cafe & Bristo is closing their doors. We, as the Strathearn Community League, would like to honor Juniper by posting this news as a way to publicly thank the hard and amazing work that this Cafe-Restaurant has done in our neighborhood:
They have provided over the years an amazing and high quality service through their goods and services,
And they had served well our community and beyond as a key builder fostering real connections, and bringing our community together.
Thank you so much Juniper Cafe & Bistro.
With expectation, we hope for better days and for better news announcing their re-opening. We would like to invite our community to join us in honoring them by posting your personal thank you notes on our Facebook page (find the post here)
Below is Juniper’s letter to the Community sent on March 21, 2020:
Good day our Juniper friends and family,
We hope this email finds all of you surviving and thriving through this unprecedented time.
We have made the very difficult decision to close our doors effective immediately - until further notice.
After such a difficult last year with the road closure, coupled with this global pandemic, we need to spend some time re-imagining what the out come of Juniper Bistro will be. We feel quite conflicted as to what the future holds for us, as many of you have shared as well, and also weirdly excited about what can come of this.
We absolutely know how supported we are by this amazing community. Thank you!
So until we meet again sweet friends, Reimagine your next chapter, Love your Beloveds even deeper, get out and enjoy Spring (albeit at a safe distance) And mostly, please know how deeply grateful we are for each one of you!
Kindest Regards and Biggest virtual Hugs,
Enid and Kenny