Art Walk Volunteers Needed!

Strathearn Art Walk is just aroudn the corner on September 7th and we’re looking for volunteers to fill our remaining spots! Volunteer orientation will be held the evening before Art Walk, on the site, and free pizza will be provided! We’ve got other perks for volunteers day-of, including a free beverage and meal, and a thank you gift from us!

Sign up online, or email us at

We’re looking for the following roles specifically:

  • Traffic Team (8am-noon, noon-4pm, 4-8pm)
    As part of the Traffic team, you'll be responsible for controlling roadway traffic at access points to the site. You'll allow access to permitted vehicles only, maintaining emergency road access and providing safe access for pedestrians and cyclists. You will inform individuals why parking restrictions are in place and direct them to where reserved event parking is available. You'll be supported by our Site Managers. Volunteers should be assertive, able to move a road barricade, and have good customer service skills. 

  • Artist Check-in and Set-up Assistants (8am-noon)

    Working in teams of two, Artist Check-In & Setup Assistants will use our maps and checklists to help artists find their spots and assist in them getting ready for the event. Each team will be assigned a group of spots, and you'll help artists in your group find and prepare their spot for Art Walk customers. You'll work directly with the Artist Check-In Manager.

  • Environmental Services (noon-4pm, 4-8pm)
    Our Environmental Services team make sure that garbage cans and recycling bins aren't overflowing, and other areas of the site have what they need! Working individually or in teams, you'll transport ice, water, equipment and various supplies around the site. You will communicate with site managers via radio and assist with site management, and in the event of an emergency you may be asked to help secure the site using our emergency preparedness plan.

  • Art Walk Takedown Crew (6:30-8:30pm)
    The Art Walk Takedown Crew volunteers will first assist artists in taking down their displays and tents when they pack up at the end of the day. After assisting artists, the takedown crew will take down and pack up the entire Art Walk venue, including tables and chairs, the beer gardens, and other site infrastructure. Volunteers must be able to lift approximately 20 kg.

Sign up your friends and colleagues! Download our poster and post it at work or school


Aug 18th: An Evening of Guided Touch with a Partner

Rob Hodgins, a neighbor and Massage Therapist among us, is inviting our community to share an evening of “Guided Touch with a Partner”.

On August 18th at our Community Hall , from 7 pm to 9:15 pm, Rob intends to teach couples participants, in a quiet and safe environment, how to explore the art of touch. This one time session will teach partners, through a series of techniques [starting with the scalp, moving to facial, neck, and onwards to the feet], how to embrace relaxation together.


“Touch is an essential component of our lives, our well-being, and our relationships that often gets overlooked. It improves stress and supports pain management” Rob

Couples or friends that are interested in attending, but have questions before signing up, please contact Rob through his website or at [780] 862-5335, email:

Otherwise, on Aug 18th evening, couples and/or friends attending should wear comfortable clothes [t-shirt and shorts or loose pants], and should bring, by Rob’s suggestion:

  • A lawn chair to stretch out on,

  • a blanket,

  • and a bottle of water.

The investment is $90.00 per couple for the session. Payments can be done by cash at the door or by eTransfer to

Please see the event poster here.

Navigating Resident Parking During Folkfest

It is August and Folkfest is happening in our neighborhood this coming weekend (Aug 8-11).

Folkfest or the Edmonton Folk Music Festival is one of the biggest outdoor music events held by our city and as exciting as it is to host a festival that draws people from around the world as both spectators and performers, it has meant that many of us, as residents of the area, deal with the inconveniences of traffic and parking during the 4-day event.

This year we have more elements that add “complications” to the parking equation: the closure of 95th Avenue. The good news is that our community league, foreseeing the problem, lobbied the city to ensure that our residents will find parking in front of their homes and the city has agreed!

So, this is how it works. The City will convert our entire neighborhood into resident-only parking for the duration of the festival. The restrictions that applies to this regulation are:

  1. For most residential streets, parking will be restricted to one side of the street only. This will ensure the flow of traffic and will maintain emergency vehicle access.

  2. For residents west of 91st Street and/or north of 95th Avenue, you will need a hang-tag in order to park your vehicle on the street. A physical letter was distributed this week with an individual hang-tag for these residents, however if you did not receive one or need additional tags, our community league will be distributing more in our Community Hall on the following dates:

    • Tuesday Aug 6th, 5-7 pm

    • Wednesday Aug 7th, 5-7 pm

  3. For residents east of 91st Street and south of 95th Avenue, you will not need a hang-tag in order to park your vehicle on the street.

For a visual, please check this Map that the City of Edmonton has created for resident-only parking.

If you have further concerns, please contact the City of Edmonton at with the subject line "Strathearn Residential Parking Program".

Strathearn Community Garden Concert Series

This thursday July 25, Strathearn Community League presents the second in our Community Garden Concert series!

Kimberly MacGregor and Elliott Thomas play a free duo show starting at 7pm. Kimberly launched her original songs into the world and took centre stage in 2013. She has since released two full-length albums and was awarded Female Artist of the Year at both the 2015 and 2016 Edmonton Music Awards. Weaving seamlessly between blues, folk and rock, Kimberly’s common threads are strength, vulnerability and badassery, always sizzling with soul.

Elliot Thomas draws inspiration from blues, old-time, jazz, and world music traditions as well as from contemporary singer-songwriters, with a fresh and daring, yet relatable sound. He released his debut album Through the Darkness and the Cold in November 2016. Since having completed two tours, Elliot has been busy working on new music as well as supporting fellow musicians. Highlights of his summer have included playing South Country Fair and backing up both Braden Gates and Kimberley MacGregor at Calgary's, Wide Cut Weekend.

5:00 pm - Join us for a free community meal to celebrate the fruits (and veggies!) of the community garden

5:30 pm - Free information session: Canning Veggies for Fun and Savings, presented by the Strathearn Community Garden.

7:00 pm - Free concert:Kimberley MacGregor & Elliot Thomas


A Night of Fashion at Strathearn Hall

Join us at the Beyond Ourselves Fashion Show, hilighting designs from different parts of the world. This is the first fashion and charity event held in support of the School of Women in Ministry, a local non-profit that supports and provides leadership training to women serving in the church.

This summer fashion & charity event will be held at the Strathearn Community Hall. There will be kids Fashion, wedding Fashion, African and Indian Fashion as well as Afghani Fashion for Men and women. There will be other live entertainment and Raffle tickets for amazing door prizes.

Tickets are $25 online or at the door.

Saturday July 20, 2019
Doors open at 6:00 pm


Summer Drama Camp

What a way to spend a week during summer! SCL is proud to host Kompany Family Theatre for Drama games, scenes, crafts, creating ’n rehearsing all culminating in a ‘show off’ performance on the last day of camp. Each day, drama activities will be balanced with lots of supervised summer play! Specially for kids 6 to 12 yrs!

AGES: 6 TO 12 yrs
DATES: July 29 to August 2 2019
WHERE: Strathearn Community Hall
PRICE: $275.00 per child
TIME: 9am - 4pm (Drop off beginning at 8am, pick up until 5pm)

Sign up on Kompany Family Theatre’s website

Green Shack Shaker 2019!

Start summer right with the 9th annual Green Shack Shaker - our annual party celebrating the end of the school year and the beginning of summer - at the Strathearn Community Hall!

We’ll also have TransEd LRT on site handing out information and answering questions about southeast LRT. Make sure you ask them for some new Bucks, redeemable for products & services at local Strathearn businesses

If it’s raining, activities will be moved to inside the hall.

Everything is FREE at Green Shack Shaker! Join us for free BBQ hotdogs & treats, face painting, EPL storytime, performance from Kompany Family Theatre, a bug talk from our garden committee, and more fun activities!

If the weather is good, we’ll add 3 on 3 basketball, a bocce ball tournament and Kids Karaoke to the mix!

Party Jacket takes the stage inside the hall at 7pm

Green Shack Shaker is brought to you this year by TD Park People, TransEd Southeast LRT, and Strathearn Community League

Green Shack Shaker 2019.png

Volunteer At Strathearn Art Walk!

Strathearn Art Walk is a one day Art & Music Festival that began in 2012 and has grown far beyond Strathearn, we’re excited to be returning for another year this coming September 7!  In 2017 we hosted more than 270 artists, and over 9,000 people visited the festival.

The 2019 Strathearn Art Walk is on Saturday, Sept. 9th, along Strathearn Drive between 89 Street and 91 Street.

Sign up to volunteer! Each year we rely on over 100 talented volunteers to help us put on a great event. To sign up, visit

Check the Art Walk website for the latest information on artists, event schedule, foord and beverages, and how to access the festival this year. Follow our Strathearn Art Walk Twitter and Instagram feeds to stay up to date!