Casino Volunteers Needed!

Our original Casino dates back in the spring were cancelled due to Covid, but we now have a second chance at this important fundraising opportunity! Currently seeking volunteers to fill day and night shifts on Tuesday, October 13th & Wednesday, October 14th at the Casino Yellowhead. This is a great chance to hang out with your neighbours while raising needed funds for the community. Click here to sign up for shifts, with many thanks in advance!

Strathearn Open Air Market starts Saturday, Sept 12th

Saturdays this Fall will now feature Open Air Markets right here in Strathearn, with delicious bakery*, free-range egg and fruit vendors, plus live music! Come on down between 1:30-2:30pm on Saturdays, along 90 Street just north of 95 Avenue. Due to construction, it’s best to access the market from the northside.

*To avoid disappointment, please pre-order from The Bread Truck at least a few days prior to the market and indicate ‘Strathearn Market pick-up’ in the Order Notes.

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Strathearn Plant Swap

Strathearn Plant swap Sept 12 2020.jpg

Saturday September 12, 2020: 2 PM – 4:30 PM

Strathearn Community League Hall - 9511 - 90 Street

Bring your seeds, bulbs, divided plants, produce, and house plants out to the Strathearn Community Hall to swap for something new!

The swap will be outdoors but please adhere to all public health guidelines!

A few more volunteers are needed to help man tables. If you are interested in helping out please contact Jen at .

Strathearn Art Walk Presents: An Outdoor Gallery Experience

We cannot imagine a year without art in Strahearn Park! To keep the artistic spirit alive and continue the Strathearn Art Walk, a socially distanced outdoor art gallery curated from the over 300 artists usually found during the Strathearn Art Walk has been created.

Come out from August 17 through September 13, 2020 in Strathearn Park along the Strathearn Drive mulit-use path to view the art boards as you stroll through the park!

This year would have been the 9th Annual Strathearn Art Walk& Music Festival, an event that features a wide range of artists and brings people together to celebrate professional and emerging art and music against the scenic backdrop of our beautiful river valley and city skyline.

Strathearn AGM!

Each year in June we host our Annual General Meeting. This year, join us online on Wednesday June 10th at 7:00pm

We’re using Zoom this year. To attend please contact us to request the meeting ID and password:

Meeting ID:

899 8509 4005



In Advance of the meeting please take a few minutes to review:

To vote at the AGM you’ll need to hold a current SCL Membership. You can purchase a membership online until the AGM starts. You do not need to be a member to attend

SCL AGM June 10 2020.jpg

Strathearn A.V. Club goes cycling...

Seeing as how we’re in the midst of a heated Community Bike Challenge this June, Strathearn A.V. Club is soliciting suggestions for favourite books, films, and songs about/for cycling. Recommend a tune you use to pump yourself up for a marathon ride or an inspirational film that makes you want to cruise the streets on two wheels (Hot take - unicyclists are for circuses. Come at me bro.) If you’re interested send suggestions and a couple reasons why to or leave them here in the comments.

Today we’re highlighting 1979’s Breaking Away. Rated one of the Top 10 sports films by the American Film Institute Breaking Away is an inspirational story of working-class “cutter” Dave Stohler and his obsession with Italian bike racing. It features terrific performances by 70’s character stalwarts Barbara Barrie and Paul Dooley alongside the early work of stars in the making Dennis Quaid and Daniel Stern.

Here's a link to the movie trailer on youtube:


New Gallery Space in Strathearn

The snazzy new window display of “fibre arts” in Strathearn Centre is the result of a brand new partnership between the Alberta Council for Ukrainian Arts (ACUA) and the Focus on Fibre Art Association. Beyond simply improving the mall aesthetically the partnership will regularly bring large, public art exhibits to the neighbourhood. First up is an exhibit entitled Embroidered Memories by Larisa Sembaliuk Cheladyn, starting June 2. The gallery will host the public with evening and weekend exhibition hours. Focus on Fibre Art and ACUA will also be using the space for workshops, guild meetings and of course selling art, fashion and music.

June is the fifth anniversary of the ACUA storefront gallery and boutique’s opening in Strathearn Centre and ACUA President Deb Stasiuk is thrilled with how they’ve been, “…embraced by the neighbourhood.” With over 100 artists work represented the boutique is a go to spot for discerning Strathearn gift buyers. The work of renowned fibre artists such as Elizabeth Holinaty, whose beautiful scarves are featured in the new gallery window will only increase interest for all involved. 

This is the third gallery space in Strathearn Centre (Studio Theo, ACUA) and the fourth in the neighbourhood including CAVA on 91st and 95 ave.    

A.V. Club Updates

Another beautiful Friday means another set of interesting recommendations from AV Club member Sarah Pennell.

Rock ‘N Roll Book Club will meet virtually on May 7th, at 7:30 p.m. to discuss Acid for the Children: A Memoir - Flea. If you want to join, please e-mail

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Lastly, although Jam Club is currently on pause, its members have not been idle. Strathearn neighbour and graphic artist Emily Burwood has created this great visual for us.