Strathearn AV Club is featuring non-fiction by local youth authors. Thank you for your contributions, and keep them coming!

Adventures with Harry Potter by Nathan Salisbury

I have been reading the Harry Potter Book series. I have also seen all of the movies. I have finished the first three books and now I am on the fourth. I really enjoyed all of the movies and I have enjoyed the books so far.

One reason I like the books is that the author J.K Rowling put so much detail and effort into the books. She took a lot of time detailing all the characters. Another reason I like the books is that they are different from the movies so you get to read the story from a different perspective. The last reason I like the books is that you can imagine the stuff that is happening in the books because they are a little different from the movies.

One reason I like the movies is that they are a little different from the books, so you can see them how they really are and you can compare them to what you thought they would look like. Another reason I like the movies is that they make everything a bit more dramatic. I like how they make it a bit more dramatic because it makes the movies a lot better. The last reason I like the movies is that they are still like the books. You can watch the same things  happen but they are a bit different.

I really like the Harry Potter Series. They are my favourite books. I would recommend them to anybody who likes books with magic and a lot of plot twists.

Author Nathan Salisbury is an 11 year old Grade 6 student from Strathearn