Get your Strathearn Kiss-O-Gram!

Love thy neighbor… from a safe distance.

Love thy neighbor… from a safe distance.

Share some community spirit — compose a message (not necessarily romantic!) to someone in Strathearn and we will hand deliver it for you on Valentine’s Day.

How it works:

Before 8 am on February 9, you can submit a message and pay here – we will print out your message and deliver it on February 13th or 14th.


Before 8 am on February 9, print off our template* and fill it out yourself, then enclose with $2 and leave it in the community hall mailbox. We will collect these and deliver them the same as those that are ordered through the website.


Deadline for message submission: 8 am on Tuesday, Feb 9th.

Each message costs $2.

You must include the recipient’s address and it must be within the Strathearn neighborhood boundary. Although we probably all know where “Andrew with the hat” lives, we want to ensure the right people are reached.

Funds will be used for league expenses such as funding league events, supplies or maintenance for the rink or AV system, beautification of the grounds/garden, etc.

* Template instructions: Print off the page. Write the recipient’s name and address on the “deliver to” lines. Turn over and write your message on the other side. Fold over on the dotted lines and tape closed.