AV Club Presents: Never Let Me Go

Strathearn AV Club Presents the first in our our Films from the Future series: Never Let Me Go

October 24, 8pm.
Ages 18+

Based on the celebrated novel by Kaquo Ishiguro, Never Let Me Go follows the lives of three friends, from their early school days into young adulthood, when the reality of the dystopian world they live in comes knocking. Released in 2010, directed by Mark Romanek and starring Kiera Knightley, Carey Mulligan and Andrew Garfield.

The Films From the Future film series is based on the book Films From the Future, The Technology and Morality of Sci-Fi Movies by Andrew Maynard. Chapter 3 of the book discusses the film Never Let Me Go - worth a read prior to attending the showing

Strathearn AV Club film presentations are free to attend! Bring your own beverage, we’ll have popcorn available.


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