Sarah Pennell is a multi-instrumentalist, singer and founding member of Strathearn A.V. Club (Jam Club, S.O.S Night). Jam Club is an amatuer, acoustic Jam night for anyone 18+ interested in learning new songs.
READING: I’m late to the party on this one, but since a handful of my dear friends are in Strathearn’s Rock n’ Roll book club I’ve been wanting to read the Beastie Boys Book by Diamond and Horovitz. A nice, light read in these darker times.
VIEWING: Just plowed through After Life season 2 on Netflix. I’m a huge Ricky Gervais fan. Also, since I’m almost 9 months pregnant I’m watching a lot of ‘how to deal with an infant’ videos. Since I somehow missed that boat with my first child, I thought I would try it again for the first time with my second. Really loving ‘Takingcarababies’- srsly, if you’re pregnant, check out her instagram/fb!
LISTENING: After a long wait, I finally received my brand new clawhammer banjo in the mail- handmade in Asheville, North Carolina. If you’re in the market for an open back banjo, check it out! Truly beautiful craftsmanship. It’s inspired me to get back into listening to lots of old time fiddle tunes. Also, since I’ve got a lot of time on my hands these days, I’ve finally found time to dive into Sam Harris’ Waking Up App. If you haven’t yet been introduced to Sam Harris’ work, check him out. He’s got a great podcast, but also has this meditation app. Highly recommended!